The Big bang theory is leading theory to how the universe began.The Big bang theory is a theory that a man named Georges Lemaître created about how the universe was created. Though, scientists don’t a hundred percent know that it’s true.
What is the Big bang theory? The big bang theory is a theory about how the universe was created and that the universe is still expanding today, creating new unknown and mysterious things out of our solar system. According to Space.com it says “The big bang theory explains how the universe began 13.7 billion years ago.” According to Georges Lemaître, the universe was created in a cataclysmic explosion of a small primeval called the “super-atom”. About 13.8 billion years ago, the universe sprang into existence in an event known as the big bang.” The early universe was incredibly hot for the atoms to exist and extraordinarily dense. As the universe expanded, its temperature density decreased. That is the big bang theory explanation.

Georges Lemaître It all started on July 17, 1894 when Georges Lamaître was born. Georges Lemaître was the father of the big bang theory. Lemaître was a Belgian astronomer and cosmologist who lived in the late eighteen hundreds to the early nineteen hundreds. In the website, Britannica.com, Georges was a professor of astrophysics at Catholic University of Leuven. In 1927 when he was a professor, he proposed the big bang theory. Georges explains the theory as “recession of the galaxies within the framework of Albert Einstein’s theory of general relativity.“ According to Britannica it says “Georges Lemaitre was an astronomer and cosmologist who formulated the modern big bang theory, which holds that the universe began in a cataclysmic explosion of the small, primeval “super autom”.
What existed before the big bang? At first, the universe at first was cold and empty. The site Buffalo.edu, states ”the universe underwent a breathtaking cosmic expansion, doubling in size at least 80 times in a fraction of a second.” The rapid inflation powered by an unknown form of energy had left the universe desolate and cold. Also, according to the site howstuffworks.com, it states that around 13.7 billion years ago, the whole universe was a very small point smaller than a subatomic particle. According to BBC science focus it says “ The universe has not existed forever. It was born around 13.82 billion years ago, matter, energy, space-and time- erupted into being a fireball called the big bang. It expanded and, from cooling debris, congealed galaxies- islands of stars of which our milky way is one among about two trillion.” This is what existed before the big bang!
Overall, the big bang theory is a theory about how the universe was created around 13.7 billion years ago and that the universe is still expanding to this day. Georges Lemaître was the father of the theory. Before the big bang, the universe was a very small dot. This helps to understand the big bang theory.
Mr. Loversky • Nov 18, 2024 at 11:44 am
Our whole universe was in a hot, dense state
Then nearly fourteen billion years ago expansion started, wait
The earth began to cool, the autotrophs began to drool
Neanderthals developed tools
We built a wall (we built the pyramids)
Math, science, history, unraveling the mysteries
That all started with the big bang (bang)
Right! Good writing Krisha and Kenza!
Aldjia • Nov 8, 2024 at 5:52 am
Well done kenza, So proud of you