Las Posadas is a cherished Mexican holiday celebrated from December 16 to 24. Las Posadas translates to “the inns,” which represents the journey of Mary and Joseph as they looked for a place to spend the night before the birth of Jesus.

Each of the 9 days represent a different value like humility, strength, love, etc. During the evenings, a house is chosen to host the posada party. A procession winds through neighborhoods, carrying candles, singing carols, and representing the Holy Family’s journey, culminating on Christmas Eve with the birth of Jesus in a manger. Participants bring Los Peregrinos statues.

Posada parties are cheerful and full of socializing… everyone is invited. As the procession visits different homes, the participants, in character as Mary and Joseph, request shelter through songs, praises, prayers, and joy. At the end of the procession, the last house hosts the party with traditional foods from the town, such as tamales, atole, champurrado, and buñelos. There is even a piñata! The piñata with its 7-pointed spikes, represent the 7 deadly sins: pride, envy, lust, gluttony, anger, greed and sloth. And the act of breaking the piñata has meaning, too. The candy inside is given to all children of the Posada party.
Mexico is full of parties all through December! About 80% of people in Mexico are catholic and therefore celebrate Las Posadas. These nine days are a time to come together, share laughter and song, and remember the true spirit of Christmas.
Mrs. Breon • Dec 23, 2023 at 9:09 am
Great writing, Estefani! I did not know about this tradition and I enjoyed learning about it!
Mrs. Olson • Dec 22, 2023 at 12:59 pm
Great writing Estefani! Very informative and always good to learn about different holiday traditions.
Aarush Parikh • Dec 21, 2023 at 4:25 pm
Nice job, Estefani! I didn’t even know what Las Posadas was before reading this article, so thanks for teaching me something! It sounds super fun and I would love to see it in action this weekend 🙂
Hannah Sit • Dec 21, 2023 at 4:06 pm
This is so awesome, Estefani!!! Las Posadas seems to be such an amazing celebration. I didn’t know that 80% of Mexicans are Catholic! That’s so cool!
Rionna Jeffrey • Dec 21, 2023 at 3:54 pm
I love that this is the true meaning of Christmas. SO interesting. I learned something new!