Wredling offers three main languages: French, Spanish, and German. These languages are taught at Wredling as one of the electives you can take. The purpose of these languages being taught is to create a sense of responsibility for learning and using the language daily in class. It is also just fun to learn a new language, right? Having a conversation in one of these languages feels like an amazing accomplishment. Then you slowly go more in-depth with the languages and learn more about the language in general.
I interviewed some of the language teachers at Wredling about what they would like to accomplish by the end of the year.
Interviewee 1: Mrs. Breiten, Spanish teacher
“I would love to instill a love of language learning and a sense of pride and accomplishment in each of my students.”
Interviewee 2: Mrs. Spotak, French Teacher
“The overall goal that I would like to achieve for all of my French classes this year is for my students to a) have fun learning the language, b) gain confidence and improve their proficiency using the language, c) build positive relationships with their classmates.”
Interviewee 3: Mrs. Jacobi, German Teacher
“My main goal is for my German students to gain an appreciation for the language, to feel a sense of accomplishment for learning a difficult language, and to be ready for their next level of learning.
For this next question, I also asked some students for their input as well:
Would you recommend (insert language) to other people?
Interviewee 1: Mrs. Breiten, Spanish Teacher
“Yes! It is a skill you will use in everyday life! It allows you to travel to beautiful places, and talk to people around our area, and some jobs will even pay more to people who have basic language skills!!“
Interviewee 4: Amy (6th grader, Spanish student)
“Yes, this is a worldwide language and it will help you in many ways.”
Interviewee 2: Mrs. Spotak, French Teacher
“I recommend that everyone learn a second language. It’s cool to learn about different cultures. It helps us accept and celebrate differences. In addition to that, learning a different language helps us strengthen and sharpen the understanding of our native languages.”
Interviewee 5: Kaley Kujanski (6th grader, French student)
“Yes! Spanish is probably more useful, but French is fun and challenging because they never pronounce the last letter in a word! It’s like a puzzle.”
Interviewee 3: Mrs. Jacobi, German Teacher
“It is a smart language to learn, especially if students may be going into international business in the future. Because not as many Americans know German, having this skill is very advantageous when looking for jobs with businesses that are based overseas or that do business in Europe. Many large companies are based in Germany and other German-speaking countries.”
Interviewee 6: Sammy Danson (6th grader, German Student)
“Yes, it’s so fun. It challenges you in multiple ways but is also easier at different times.”
I enjoyed interviewing people and writing for the newspaper because of how fun it was. I loved how when I wanted to interview someone they were always willing. But now I would like to ask you a question:
What language is your favorite? Or what language would you like to learn?