Imagine yourself in this scenario: You get home from school in a huff. You had a hard test and were in a fight with your best friend at lunch. You drop your backpack and run to your room. When you get to your room you flop down in your desk chair and grab your colored pencils and a piece of paper. Half an hour later you are called down for dinner feeling much better.
Why is it that just drawing on a piece of paper can make you feel so much better?
One article on this matter said “Research in the field of art therapy is still ongoing, but many are finding that engaging in art therapy reduces stress. Creating art can reduce cortisol levels for both those who identify as artists and those who don’t, so no matter your skill level, everyone can benefit from making art. In other words, if you are stressed out or feeling strong negative emotions, art can help you reduce those feelings. Cortisol is a steroid hormone that is produced when you are stressed. Art has been proven to reduce the levels of this hormone therefore reducing stress.
Stress can affect one’s health because of the high levels of cortisol it triggers. By engaging in art you are helping to keep yourself healthy.
Next time you start to feel stressed or even a little nervous, do some simple art and you will feel better in no time.
Works Cited
Acrm. (2020). How The Brain Is Affected By Art – Rehabilitation Medicine. Retrieved from https://acrm.org/rehabilitation-medicine/how-the-brain-is-affected-by-art/#:~:text=There%20is%20increasing%
The role of cortisol in the body. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/the-role-of-cortisol-in-the-body#:~:text=Cortisol%20is%20a